It has been exactly 1 week since our world was turned upside down, but somehow it feels like so much longer. We continue to thank you for your relentless prayers - they are so powerful and we see God working his miracles in Persy already. Today was the best day we’ve had thus far. Persy finally seemed to turn a corner. Although he is still very sick, he was his wonderful self and nothing in this world is better than that!

Persy had his chest x-ray repeated today which showed increasing fluid accumulation in his lung with possible pneumonia. This is likely happening because of the proximity of the tumor to his lung. Despite this, Persy is holding his own, maintaining pretty good oxygen saturation without any supplemental oxygen. He spiked a fever again this afternoon but they were able to get it down with Tylenol. Persy has an amazing medical team at Wolfson’s. They are very proactive and have a plan to have the surgery team place a chest tube if needed over the weekend. Persy is still somewhat hesitant to eat. He continues to complain of tummy and back pain, especially when moving around. He still does not want to stand up or get out of bed, but his mama is on a mission to get him there!

Little victories

  • Persy had his fourth chemo treatment and is on his way to a full recovery! 1 more to go in this cycle!
  • Persy ate a pancake, mac n’ cheese, 3 applesauces, drank a cup of milk and lots of water!
  • Persy had several good poops today.
  • Persy tolerated less morphine today.
  • Persy was so much more interactive today, talking and singing some of his old favorite songs and playing with his dinos.
  • Persy showed off for his docs, blowing his pinwheel and bubbles to help improve his lungs.
  • He facetimed with Harley, Kep and Mudsy.
  • Persy said “i love you shee shee!”
  • Persy gave mommy and daddy kisses!
  • Persy watched The Grinch on TV with mama.

Please pray

  • For the fluid to drain from Persy’s lung so he doesn’t have to have a chest tube inserted.
  • That the medical team can continue to wean Persy from some of his pain medicine.
  • For his body to respond to the chemo and specifically that the chemo obliterates all the metastatic cancer sites in his body.
  • For his cancer to be attacked by the chemo, but for his precious body to be protected from the damage caused by the toxic chemicals.

Lord of Life, as we travel this long, difficult road toward Persy’s complete healing, we pray that You will help activate our faith. We humbly ask that You put peace in our hearts as we place our problems in your hands. You told us that if we have faith even as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountains. And we need to move this mountain of cancer! May our faith not be overwhelmed by our circumstances, but may our circumstances be conquered by our faith. Help us to continue to build up our faith through prayer, praise, and rest in the knowledge that you hold us in the palm of Your hand. Amen.