Thank you to everyone who attended in person or on Zoom and prayed for Persy and our family during this time. We are now having a weekly prayer circle for those who need Jesus’ blessing and mercy. Please see the updated prayer post.

Persy Burnette

We are gathering in prayer to lift up Persy Burnette, for his body can no longer be healed by way of medical intervention, and we are joining together in community to appeal to our Almighty Father. You are invited to the Prayers for Persy All Call, a gathering of prayer and in support of Persy and the Burnette family. Join us in person or by Zoom. If you are able to attend in person, and can RSVP, please do. Our aim is for Persy to experience the prayer circle that has surrounded him, spreading a message of love without overwhelming his young heart. Let’s unite in worship for Jesus, seeking solace in His will, and lifting up Persy’s little body and spirit, for we know ultimately, he has been, and forever will remain in the healing and gentle hands of The Lord.


Saturday, September 2, 2023, 10:00 AM


Southpoint Community Church 7556 Salisbury Rd Jacksonville, FL 32256 Google Maps