We’re back with another cycle four update. Persy went home on Friday, March 25, 2022, after getting blood and platelets in the hospital. He had a low-grade fever and very little energy, but we were hoping things would improve after getting home.

On Saturday, March 26, 2022, his fever was persisting just below 101F and his energy level was low and getting worse. We conferred with his doctor and she decided it was, unfortunately, necessary to bring him back to the emergency room. Once at the ER, Persy was blessed to have a very skillful nurse handle the access to his port. After days of reaccessing and having a low platelet count, his port was very bruised and sore. We are thankful that the nurse was able to minimize his pain during the access.

The doctors got right to work collecting lab cultures that are used to look for dangerous bacterial infections in the blood. They started IV fluids and powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics as a precaution. We are still waiting for the results of the lab cultures.

Persy was given more platelets and another blood transfusion during the night.

Today, he seems more stable and comfortable. His vital signs are greatly improved since yesterday. Unfortunately, the doctors have identified that he is suffering from mucositis, a common condition that occurs after chemotherapy, especially with prolonged periods where the immune system is weakened. The mucositis is causing painful sores in Persy’s mouth and anus. He is having trouble eating and experiences pain when having his diaper changed.

Persy has been scheduled for a CT scan on the morning of Monday, March 28, 2022. The doctors are pushing forward with that CT scan, but the final decision will come down to whether the anesthesiologist feels that Persy can tolerate the sedation in his current state.

Persy will be able to go home once his ANC reaches 100 and climbing. Right now, there is still no indication that his immune system is starting to rebound, but that should happen at any moment.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.